Brittney Griner arrives in Texas after prisoner swap with Russia | USA TODAY

WNBA player Brittney Griner was charged with possessing cannabis oil in Russia and was exchanged with Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout. RELATED: Watch the moment Brittney Griner was exchanged for Viktor Bout https://bit.ly/3uDMY00 Brittney Griner arrived in the United States. It was the first time in almost 10 months the Phoenix Mercury star could say that.

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Kalter Krieg reloaded-Brittney Griner in San Antonio /Texas gelandet

Titelbild: Screenshot you tube/Los Angeles Times

Der US-Basketball Star Brittney Griner ist in Texas angekommen, nachdem sie gegen Viktor Bout (Händler des Todes) , einem Waffenhändler aus Russland, in Abu Dhabi ausgetauscht wurde.

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