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Daniel vernichtet Libyen- 20.000 Tote befürchtet

In dem von Bürgerkrieg und Terror gepeinigtem Land werden tausende Tote und Vermisste nach dem Sturm Daniel befürchtet.

Die Lage ist, trotz anlaufender internationaler Hilfe, unübersichtlich.

Erste Bilder aus den betroffenen Gebieten lassen schlimmste Befürchtungen zu.

Apocalypse in North Africa! Storm Daniel devastates cities in Libya!

On September 10, Storm Daniel struck Libya. The storm brought heavy rain and wind to cities along the Mediterranean coast. The authorities declared a state of emergency. Benghazi, Sousse, Al Bayda, Al-Marj and Derna were affected. Many houses, hospitals and other facilities were flooded. But Derna, where two dams were destroyed, suffered the most serious damage.

Half the city was swept into the sea! Libya battered, 1000 houses destroyed

At least 2,000 dead and 10,000 believed missing in Libya as ‚catastrophic‘ flooding breaks dams and sweeps away homes. Around 2,000 people have died and 10,000 are believed missing after Storm Daniel dumped so much rain on Libya’s northeast that two dams collapsed sending water flowing into already inundated areas.

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